backed by critical observations and reporting

Once your construction project is in full swing, complexities multiply, along with the likelihood of risk. That’s why our experienced professionals provide critical site observations and reporting during the construction phase.

sky scraper construction quality assurance

ABCO’s robust construction phase services help you:

  • Reduce construction project risks
  • Produce desired project results
  • Increase client satisfaction

Ultrasonic Technology

Our ultrasonic leak technology is the first of its kind. This innovative approach uses sound transmitters to detect gaps as small as 0.01 inch without disturbing construction activity. When combined with spray testing and infrared scans, our testing techniques are among the most comprehensive in the industry.

Advantages of Ultrasonic Leak Detector:

  • More windows/doors can be tested on site
  • Less setup required and less destructive than water testing
  • Testing can be conducted in sequence with the installation
  • More cost and time efficient in window water leak detection
  • Suitable for cold-weather testing

Download our slide deck for more information on ultrasonic testing

Building Envelope Surveys

Our extensive building envelope surveys, review and document property conditions from the roof edge to the foundation. Our comprehensive reports include photographic documentation and detailed descriptions of each deficiency.

We focus on four major areas:

  • Observable condition of exterior surfaces, including stucco, brick, precast concrete, siding, etc.
  • Observable condition of windows and doors
  • Moisture/water control from roof to grade
  • List of deficiencies related to the building envelope

Related Services

  • Destructive testing. If required, we can provide destructive testing services (i.e., drilling holes into exterior surfaces like stucco) to measure moisture inside the wall cavity.
  • Roof condition survey. Our additional roof testing services include a comprehensive observation of the condition of the roof, including the four focus areas covered in the building envelope survey.

Window / Patio Door Resistant Testing

The frustration of a water leak is further magnified when the location of the leak is unidentifiable. Our testing services uses a state-of-the art ultrasonic leak detection as a pre-test to identify high areas of air leakage.

Our quality assurance tests examine the building envelope using an ultra-sonic technology to detect gaps, holes or deficiencies on the most common leak culprits, including glazing seals of windows, assembly of the window frame, flashing and perimeter sealant.  This testing can be used without disturbing the construction activity.  Those windows that are identified with high area of air leakage are then tested with the water resistance testing.

Roof Testing

We perform proactive roof observations at the beginning, middle and final phase of your project. Our non-intrusive electronic moisture scans detect moisture below the roof membrane, saving in costly repairs on interior damages and possible roof replacement. We also perform roof-condition surveys, infrared thermal surveys and electronic moisture scans. This includes verification that materials and flashing align with design documents.

Building Envelope Forensic Investigation

Identifying and isolating problems is the first priority when issues arise. Our experienced building envelope consultants finds the source of the problem, focusing on key culprits such as moisture intrusion, roofing failures, and exterior cladding material failures.

ASTM / AAMA Window Field Testing Services

  • ASTM Building Envelope Testing Services
    • ASTM C 1521 – 09e1: Standard Practice for Evaluating Adhesion of Installed Weatherproofing Sealant Joints
    • ASTM C 1193: Standard Guide for Use of Joint Sealants, Appendix X1 – Method A, Field Applied Sealant Joint Hand Pull Tab
    • ASTM E 2128: Standard Guide for Evaluating Water Leakage of Building Walls
    • ASTM D 5957: Standard Guide Flood Testing Horizontal Waterproofing Installations
    • ASTM D 7954/ D 7954 M: Moisture Surveying of Roofing and Waterproofing Systems Using Non-Destructive Electrical Impedance Scanners
    • ASTM D4541: Method B Standard Test Method for Pull-Off Strength of Coatings Using Portable Adhesion Testers. This is testing on fluid to the applied exterior wall weather resistance barrier.
    • ASTM E 2359: Standard Test Method for Field Pull Testing of an In-Place Exterior Insulation and Finish System Clad Wall Assembly
    • ASTM D 5957: Standard Guide for Flood Testing Horizontal Waterproofing Installations.
    • ASTM D 7954 / D 7054M: Moisture Surveying of Roofing and Waterproofing Systems Using Non-Destructive Electrical Impedance Scanners
    • ASTM E 1186: Standard Practices for Air Leakage Site Detection in Building Envelopes and Air Barrier Systems.  This test method covers standardized techniques for locating air leakage sites in building envelopes and air barrier systems.  Applicable to air/vapor barriers, weather resistant barriers and be used on single ply roofing.
    • ASTM E 1105: Standard Test Method for Field Determination of Water Penetration of Install Exterior Windows, Skylights, Doors, and Curtain Walls, by Uniform or Cyclic Static Air Pressure Difference, Method with the AAMA 502 Standard
    • ASTM E 783: Standard Test Method for Field Measurement of Air Leakage Through Install Exterior Windows and Doors.
  • ASTM Ultrasonic Leak Detection (ULD) Services
    • ASTM E 1002: Standard Test Method for Leaks Using Ultra-sonics Method B: This test is used as a pre-test for the water resistance testing wit the ASTM E1105 / ASTM E 783 to gather a sampling of window specimens.  The ULD can detect high and moderate areas of air infiltration before the ASTM E 1105 (water resistance) and the ASTM E 783 (air) is conducted on a window.
  • ASTM Infrared Testing Services
    • ASTM C 1153: Standard Practice for Locating Wet Insulation Using Infrared Imaging
    • ASTM C 1060-90: Standard Practice for Thermographic Inspection of Insulation Installations in Envelope Cavities of Frame Buildings